Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Date - Secrets Unleashed

1.    First of all, make sure the date will be something you will enjoy. If your date suggests going sailing but you can't swim and suffer from seasickness, don't be afraid suggest an alternative. Suggest that the two of you check out the latest art exhibition or that new scary movie that just opened. Try to choose something that is fun and exciting for both you. This will definitely take the pressure off you to entertain or amuse your partner with conversation. 

2.    This is not the time to suggest a highly unusual excursion, such as bungee jumping or to try and unfamiliar food. You don't want to have to abandon your date because of gastric distress!

3.    Dating experts suggest that women should not dress too sexy on for a first date. Avoid exposing too much cleavage or fishnet stockings unless you are sure you want to have sex on the first date.

4.    Men should try to avoid looking too casual in that "I don't give a damn" way. Sweats or T-shirts and jeans are also a no-no. Dress casually, but smart but also be you. During the date men should also mind their manners at the table and make sure that they arrive on time to pick up their date. 

5.    Conversely, women should not keep men waiting while they are getting ready. Sometimes it helps to have a cocktail before you leave the woman's house to break the ice a little. It is important to be patient, as sometimes the other person is as nervous as you are and doesn't necessarily express anything but awkwardness or anxiety for the first few minutes.

6.    During the rest of the evening, the woman should not scorn or reject the man's attempts to open doors for her and pull out her chair for her. He is trying to be sweet, not set back feminism twenty years! 

7.    Men are also advised to bring flowers, a plant or a gift as a kind of advance thank you for the date. I know it is a cliche but you can't go wrong giving a woman a bouquet of roses, tulips or sunflowers. 

8.    While on the date, try and keep the conversation going as best as you can. The best way to do this is ask your date polite questions such as "So how was your day?" and "Did you see that television show the other night...?" Although you are very curious about your date, it is best to save the heavy interrogation, such as "Why are you still looking for a job at age 30 ?" for the third or fourth date.

9.    Make sure you check your emotional baggage at the door. This is not the time to discuss your cheating ex-boyfriend, your alcoholic father, or your psychotic boss. Your date is supposed to be a potential lover, not a therapist. If they identify you with unpleasant qualities, such as control, clinginess, complacency or even too much emotional security, the relationship is not likely to last. 

10.    Keep your sense of humor and keep your wits about you. If something seems awkward or goes awry during the date, such as spilling wine on a favorite dress, then encourage your date to laugh along with you at the persistence of Murphy's law. 

11.    According to relationship experts, the best way to keep your date attracted to you is to always have them identify you with the idea of excitement. Don't be afraid to show a little spontaneity by suggesting that you take a walk in the park or explore a new attraction after your date. In fact, evolutionary biologists tell us that taking a partner to a scary movie or on a thrilling amusement ride can rev up one's sex life, as the same chemicals in our brain that are responsible for creating fear also create sexual desire. 

12.    There are also some physical moves that you can make to show that you are interested in the opposite sex. These include turning your body so that it faces your partner and casual physical contact such as holding hands or patting your partner on the arm. Women love it when men place their hand on the small portion of their back as it makes them feel guided, protected and secure with him. Perhaps one of the best ways to make a deep, lasting soul-connection is to lock both of your gazes and not say a word for a minute or two. 

13.    Unless your date is drunk and displaying inappropriate behavior try to be a good sport and stay by his side until he drops you off at the door. At the end of the night, most dates end with a kiss. While kissing your date good-bye avoid the reassuring pat on the back. A lack of a kiss may indicate that there is not a sexual relationship in the future. If this happens don't expect a call for a second date and be content in knowing that you have just made yourself another very good friend!

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